Are you drowning in case law?

Start finding winning precedents

In minutes, not hours

Instantly access the most relevant cases and legal insights using intelligent search and AI assistants built for Australian law.

Effortless, Accurative and Intuitive Legal Research

If you're sick of relying on outdated legal databases, you can use our AI platform to ask complex legal questions,
and receive detailed answers and case citations in a matter of seconds.

Find the needle in the haystack, fast

Our models are trained on an expansive corpus of open-source Australian case law, legislation, statute and other legal documents.

From hours of searching, to instant insights

Cut research time on case retrieval by up to 50%, and transform hours of manual research into minutes of high-value analysis.

Customised Assistants, built for your individual research needs

Tailor your AI research assistant to your practice area, precedent preferences, and research style. Get consistent, predictable results that match how you work.

Modernise your firm's entire research workflow

At Habeas, we believe AI is an essential tool in bridging the gap between the complex realm of legal data and the precise, timely needs of modern lawyers.

Gen AI Case Law Researcher

Ask questions about Australian case law, and get authoritative answers in seconds - each backed by precise and relevant citations.

AI-Powered Search Engine

Intelligent search that thinks like a lawyer and understands your question- finding relevant precedents faster than traditional methods

Custom AI Assistants

Create specialized research assistants that understand your practice area and preferred research methods.

Document Analysis

Upload any legal file and ask questions about the judgements, facts or nuances of the case. Get instant summaries.

Habeas Fits seamlessly into your existing Workflows

Habeas integrates effortlessly with your current legal tools, enhancing your research efficiency without disrupting your workflow. Harness the power of AI to get fast, accurate legal insights, allowing you to focus on what matters—delivering results.

Trained on Australian Open-Source Law

Habeas is trained on over
300 000 public Australian legal documents.

Performant Search Capabilities

Our rigorous search algorithms ensure highly relevant search results, down to the paragraph.

Citations for Every Answer Given

Habeas is designed to mitigate AI 'hallucinations' and allow lawyers to follow the source.

Secure, Compliant, but Still Accessible  

We make sure user conversations are siloed and stay safe from prying eyes
Lawyers spend hours, maybe even days, sifting through mountains of legal documents. Missing a crucial precedent or judgement can be devastating.

Now, imagine a world where this exhaustive process becomes more intuitive, creative and time-effective.

By leveraging AI to expedite research processes, we're not only freeing up hours, but also enhancing the quality of those hours.

We've got you covered, whether you're a
sole practitioner or firm.

With Habeas, legal practitioners get access to the same core features,
with additional security options for larger firms available.

Sole Practitioners

Habeas is perfect if you're looking for an agile assistant to save time on daily research volume

SMEs / Small Firms

Enhance your firm's productivity by automating routine legal tasks, improving accuracy, and ensuring quick access to relevant case law


We offer volume-based pricing for larger firms looking to enhance their team's access to Australian-specific AI research tools.

If you'd like to read more about our vision, visit our blog:

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